wtorek, 17 lipca 2018

How the Tolkiens' house looked?

My research has proved that the Tolkiens lived at Letzte Gasse No. 28 in Petershagen (today it is Kaznodziejska nr 30, Zaroślak, Gdańsk). Together with the historians from Gdańsk we have tried to reconstruct this house. At the moment we are close to the conclusion that it was of this type:

Houses from Karpia Street, Gdańsk

According to the map of Buhse from the 19th century the house no. 28 had a kind of a stoop (German beischlag, Polish przedproże; in urban architecture, a stoop is a small staircase ending in a platform and leading to the entrance of an apartment building or other building), typical in Gdańsk (Danzig). The stoops in Gdańsk had also these, very rich forms:

3 komentarze:

  1. what did the Ts' house look like?
    how did the Ts' house look?
    what the Ts' house looked like (bez ?)
    how the Ts' house looked.

    innych opcji angielski nie zna. :P

  2. Adanciu, serdeczne dzięki! Już poprawiam :)
