One such Sheaf, or Shield Sheafing, can actually
be made out as one of the remote ancestors of the present Queen.
- J. R. R. Tolkien, "The Lost Road", p. 7
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Sceaf - by Fredrik Sander (Poetic Edda) |
Well, as we know (see here), J. R. R. Tolkien belongs to the patrilineal haplogroup R1a-Z92, and perhaps even to R1a-YP351. Therefore, he may be related to the Vikings from Bodza and Gotland (probably such Vikings were the progenitors of the Prussian and Yotvingian - Baltic peoples, like Lithuanians and Latvians - nobles, the so-called Witings and Slavic wiciędz and witeź - read about the latest discoveries about the genotypes of Vikings and the Vikings from Bodzia, Poland). And if so, he could also be related to Rurik.
And if with Rurik, then perhaps his ancestor Sceaf (see also here) about whom J. R. R. Tolkien wrote in his The Lost Road.
Sceaf was to be the progenitor of the Scylding lineage known from Beowulf (see here)! Sceaf was supposed to come from... Númenoreans! (The Lost Road and The Notion Club Papers by Tolkien - see for example here).
This theme of a child in a little boat can also be found in Thorgal comic book, where my story with the Vikings, runes, and then Tolkien began.
I myself am (like many Poles) an autosomal relative to many Rus-Vikings from the Baltic Sea (my genetic closeness to a member of the druzhina of Gleb Svyatoslavich, from the Rurik dynasty is approximately 6) and I belong to the same SNP subgroup as one of the Vikings from Bodzia, possibly a Rurykowicz representative Svietopelk the Damned (R1a-YP351).
Niesamowita rzecz. Choć trzeba to traktować z przymrużeniem oka, jako legendę, zabawę mitopeiczną, igraszkę związaną z pamięcią genetyczną...
Otóż jak wiemy (patrz tutaj), J. R. R. Tolkien należy do patrylinearnej haplogrupy R1a-Z92, a być może nawet do R1a-YP351. Może zatem być spokrewniony z wikingami z Bodzi i Gotlandii (prawdopodobnie tacy wikingowie byli protoplastami rodów nobilów pruskich i jaćwieskich, tzw. wityngów oraz słowiańskich wiciędzy-chąśników - przeczytaj o najnowszych odkryciach dotyczących genotypów wikingów i o wikingach z Bodzi). A jeżeli tak, to także mógł być spokrewniony z Rurykiem. A jeżeli z Rurykiem, to być może jego przodkiem był opisywany przez Tolkiena Sceaf (patrz tutaj)
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