poniedziałek, 7 lutego 2022

God created Man: male and female (Gen 1:27)

Words from the Bible for which one can go to court in some countries...(*) Here in Quenya, the language of J. R. R. Tolkien, translated by Helge K. Fauskanger (Genesis 1:27)

Ar Eru ontanë Atan venweryassë, Eruo venwessë ontaneryes; hanu ar ontaneryet.


And God created Man in his image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. 


Stworzył więc Bóg człowieka na swój obraz,
na obraz Boży go stworzył:
stworzył mężczyznę i niewiastę

Artwork by William Blake (who is buried near the place where John Benjamin Tolkien is buried, Bunhill Fields, London - watch my film).  

About sexual morality in Middle-earth we can read in Tolkien's letters: 

"Monogamy" was at this period in the West universally practised and other systems were regarded with repugnance, as things only done 'under the Shadow' 

(Letters, p. 296 – letter no. 214; Greek (mono)gamos means a marriage of one man and one woman; under the Shadow means under the influence of Diabolos of Tolkien's world) 

Words of J. R. R. Tolkien about the sexes and their roles can be found in his letter no. 43  from March 6-8, 1941 to his son, Michael Tolkien (see Tolkien's Letters edited by H. Carpenter).


(*) Or just be banned on the internet. And so I got banned from the next woke group. First it was the FB group of the Tolkien Society, now the group of the Mythopoeic Society. If they cancel you for defending Christian anthropology in the works of the Inklings, it is a real grand-coup, a sign of righteousness and a great honor.

I invite you to a group dedicated to the Inklings, and especially to Tolkien. It is now bigger then the MythSoc group:

Christ & Tolkien

8 komentarzy:

  1. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist screaming 'persecution' on your blog too. I wonder if you'll actually leave the comments up this time that explain the real reason you were banned - multiple instances of homophobia and other bigotry, which you regularly use your 'Christianity' to shield.

    1. I don't use the word "homophobic". My defence of fair and true scholarship didn't contain any -phobia. I honour and respect every human being. And I am not interested in sexuality of my friends.

      My views can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_and_homosexuality

      Tolkien's views on religion and morality can be found in Catholic Catechism of his times:


    2. It's a good idea to sign your first and last name under your commentary. Especially when you make heavy accusations.

  2. In my opinion, this comment by Gabriele Marconi best described what happened on the MythSoc forum. Of course, the MythSoc admin removed it:

    "I cannot understand how one can have so little respect of his or her intelligence to cheer for this superstructural approach. Of course, you can all decide to ignore the reality of a literary text and pretend its value is only a matter of the subjective power to use it to promote a kind of culture. But for how much you push that purpose, you cannot remove the fact that the text and its author's conception of the nature of humanity (including sexual identity) is and remains antithetical to yours.

    I cannot believe you aren't able to admit such an elementary evidence. It is clear at this point there's an organised strategy to recruit Tolkien narrative into a cultural, offensive war in order to normalise for the public opinion the most disputed conclusions of gender theories.

    I'm not taking it lightly. This is nor a matter of interpretation, neither can be included into the concept of ‘applicability’.

    This is simply an organised abuse on Tolkien: his work, his thought, his life and his very person.

    And if the only thing you can say to justify this approach is the alleged research of ‘inclusiveness’ no matter the cost, then you're simply admitting you're willing to be abusive on this author, claiming to be in a moral and/or cultural upper position in which you're able to bend his work against his thought.

    This is no respect at all. Not only to the author, but neither to the readers, especially for the ones you claim to make them feel included. Abuse cannot bring respect. Neither collective deception, even if socially accepted.

    At one point you'll simply need to aknowledge the fact that Tolkien didn't agree on a single one of these premises, and that actually he stood for everything opposite. And you'll have to choose: either condemn him as an enemy, or accept the irremovable antithesis he stood for."

    "(...) I'm no beginner in Tolkien community. I'm not so naive to not understand the succession and relative direction that are being carried on into the major Inklings AND Tolkien societies in the last years.

    Issues need to be recognised, not hidden behind consensus.
    I hope disagreement can still be expressed. At least here."

    1. How do you know what Tolkien thought? He never really wrote much about his specific personal beliefs. Catholics vary a lot in how much they agree with offical Catholic dogma. You're inferring that he'd agree with you because he was a Catholic, but you've not presented any evidence about specific beliefs. Can you provide a quote to say he thought homosexuality was wrong, for example?

    2. I don't know you. You haven't signed you comment.

      And I don't discuss the matter of homosexuality on my blog. Everything is in our Catechism.

      About sexual morality in Middle-earth we can read in Tolkien's letters:

      „Monogamy was at this period in the West universally practised and other systems were regarded with repugnance, as things only done 'under the Shadow'”

      (Letters, p. 296 – letter no. 214)

      An important letter of J. R. R. Tolkien about the sexes and their roles can be found here: letter no. 43 to Michael Tolkiena March 6-8, 1941

  3. Warto poczytać, co pisał Marshall Kirk w 1987 r. na łamach gejowskiego pisma „Guide Magazine”: "W krótkim czasie zręczna i bystra kampania medialna może przemienić wspólnotę gejowską w matkę chrzestną cywilizacji zachodniej". Taka to "oddolna inicjatywa" oczywiście "zwykłych ludzi" oczywiście "nieangażujących się w politykę"...

  4. Unfortunately I cannot approve the _anonymous_ comments with aggresive language. No place for phrases like "your little army of miscreants", hollow words from an even more hollow man", "outdated Catholic morality", "your ignorance and bigotry" etc.

    Thank you but it is not accepted here. My blog is a place where all people are respected. No place for hate language.
