wtorek, 7 listopada 2017

Paternal line of J.R.R. Tolkien

Good to know the current state of the #TolkienAncestry research. The Tolkien paternal line is as follows:

The Tolkien family from Prussia
(15th-17th c.)
Michel Tolkien
(b. ca. 1620, Globuhnen by Kreuzburg, Prussia)
Christianus Tolkien
(1663-1746, Kreuzburg, Kingdom of Prussia)
Christian Tolkien
(b. 1706 in Kreuzburg, d. 1791 in Gdańsk, Polish Prussia)
= Anna Euphrosina Tolkien, née Bergholtz (1719-1792)
Johann (John) Benjamin Tolkien
(b. 1752 in Gdańsk, d. 1819 in London)
George Tolkien
John Benjamin Tolkien (1807-1896)
Arthur Reuel Tolkien
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

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